Welcome to Socuéllamos!

Brief history of Socuéllamos.-

Socuéllamos is in the Ciudad Real province, very close to the Albacete province and not too far from the Cuenca province. It has a population of 13,800 and it's 2 hours south of Madrid.
  • Most important people in Socuéllamos:
  1. Fernando de Mena, doctor of Phillip II;
  2. Roberto Parra, international runner;
  3. José Toribio, international cyclist. 
In 1298 Socuéllamos was called Bernabé de Chaes and had only 90 people.
In Socuéllamos there are remains of Prehistory. The river Záncara and the Guadiana go through Socuéllamos.
UPDATE (October 14th 2013)
I am unable to do this in the Home section, so I'll do it here. I just wanted to tell you guys that, in almost a year, we've received over 3,000 visits, the main visitors being Spain and United States, but we also have visitors from France, Germany, UK and many other countries. We hope you come back often and, even better, join our Facebook group ("English time in Socuellamos, Facebook edition" or https://www.facebook.com/groups/168561906640513/), which is taking most of my time lately and that's why I haven't updated many of the sections. Thank you for visiting us and I hope you connect with "Socuellamins" and help each other improve your target languages.

Socuéllamos, wine country.-
General information.-
The town of Socuéllamos is located in the southern part of the south plateau of the peninsula, within the natural region of La Mancha, in the northeastern part of the province of Ciudad Real and at the basin of the Guadiana river. It has an area of 307.69 kilometers and it’s at an average height of 680 meters over the sea level. Due to its area it ranks 17th out of the 98 municipalities in the province. It borders with the municipalities of Pedro Muñoz (Ciudad Real) and Mota del Cuervo (Cuenca) to the north; Las Mesas (Cuenca) and Villarrobledo (Albacete) to the east; Alhambra (Ciudad Real) to the south; and Tomelloso (Ciudad Real) to the west.
Weather .The weather in Socuéllamos is continental Mediterranean, with cold winters and hot summers. During the winter nights, with clear skies and no wind, frost is frequent. Rainfall goes from 400 to 600 milimeters a year, with great irregularities from season to season. Relative air humidity is low. Sunlight hours go from 2,600 to 2,900 a year. Snow is rare. Main winds come from the southeast and provide the most important rains.Average maximum temperature is 30.5º and minimum -2.8º. Average temperature is 13.4º.
Hydrography. Superficial waters in Socuéllamos belong to the sub basin of the Záncara river, one of the main tributaries of the Guadiana river. The other river is Córcoles, which gives its waters to the Záncara. Regarding underground waters, Socuéllamos belongs to the 23rd aquiferous system, one of the most important ones in the country.
Area. Total area: 91,676 acres. Urban area: 864 acres. Rural area: 90,811 acres.
Gastronomy is simple, like everything on this land, and it’s often seasoned with spicy peppers.
The most typical drinks, dishes and pastries are: “zurra” ( water with sugar, wine, orange, peach and lemon peel bits; from the right proportion of ingredients comes the excellence of the drink);rice with “duz” (boiled rice in brown sugar water, adding orange peel bits and sprinkling cinnamon); “torta de mosto”( made by mixing wheat flour  with oil, non-alcoholic wine, sugar and beaten eggs and baked); “arrope”(boiled non-alcoholic wine with bits of pumpkin, pepper, melon, carrot and other fruits, with the essence of anisette stick); “mostillo” boiled non-alcoholic wine with wheat flour, chopped almonds and essence of anisette); “migas ruleras” (bread crumbs in water, fried slowly and preferably loose;they’re eaten with grapes); “gachas de arrope” (boiled “arrope” and wheat flour); “potaje con rellenos” (chick pea stew, spinach  and cod filled with bread crumbs and beaten eggs); “pisto manchego” (fried pepper with tomato); among other dishes.
Wines from Socuéllamos 
The main agricultural product in Socuéllamos is grape and within it the “Airén” variety. This type of grape, due to tradition in the harvesting and elaboration, used to produce and produces common white wines, between 12 and 14º, neutral, yellow, dry and with low total acidity.
The current tendency has changed, thanks to the introduction of new technologies in wine cellars and farmers’ mentality to achieve a higher quality product and to move the harvesting forward. This has brought about high quality wines, with an alcohol content between 10.5 and 12º and a total tartaric acidity of more than 5.5º, pale colored and excellent aromas, which produces harmonius, fresh wines, greatly accepted in all markets.
Socuéllamos belongs to the province of Ciudad Real. It has a population of 12,600 people.
It’s well connected by road with all the towns that border it. It’s 163 kms. away from Madrid and 112 kms. Away from Ciudad Real. It also has a railway station Madrid-Levante.
Its shield is ordered in the following manner: at the top there is a crown and the central area is divided into 3 parts:to the right, the cross of Santiago over a blue background, to the left, a golden tower over a green background and at the bottom (in the centre) a cluster of grapes over a red background.
The date of its foundation is unknown. There are documents on demarcation between the military orders of Santiago and San Juan from Jerusalem, from circa 1237, where there existed a population centre in the farmhouse of Auezgaiat, current House of the Tower. Later there was another population centre in San Bartolomé. From these two population centres Socuéllamos was founded in its current location.This town had for a long time one the greatest missions. The third in the Order of Santiago and ninth in Spain, being famous knight commanders, among many others, the Count of Tendilla; D. Antonio de Mendoza, viceroy of Mexico and Perú, his sons Ignacio and Francisco, Army Generals; the Count Miranda in 1695; the Prince  Cardinal Arcbishop of Toledo in 1746 and the Prince D. Francisco de Paula in 1806.
It got money from road tolls, public stands, tithe, fines,… with which it paid a percentage to the Monastery of Uclés, to the king, the church and the attorney of the town.
There were also foundations and chaplaincies, with their lands, apart from a monk monastery founded by Fray Juan Bautista de la Concepción.
Most of these lands were confiscated by the sale of church lands of Mendizabal and auctioned.
Its economy has been based, from old times, on the growing of the grape,with a privilege granted by the Catholic Kings that everyone who came to Socuellamos, built a house and have some vineyards was exempt from paying taxes; they only had to pay the tithe to God. Livestock was also very important with almost 30,000 sheep for a while. There was a never a shortage of vegetables in the town.
Today there are important companies for clothing, building, religious statues,… apart from a wine cooperative, listed among the biggest in Spain.
As far as religion is concerned, there are two parishes: Ntra. Sra. De la Asunción, founded at the time of the misión, and San José, founded by the Cebrián Alarcón married couple in 1969.
The patron saint (and honorary mayor) of the town is the Cristo de la Vega and his holiday is celebrated on the 10th of August. The other patron saint is Ntra. Sra. De Loreto has her holiday on September 8th around her chapel.
On the 15th of May, or previous Sunday, a “romería” (celebration in the countryside) is celebrated in honour of San Isidro Labrador, in Titos, pic-nic area beside the river Záncara, where there’s a chapel. Another two chapels are San Antonio and San Cristobal; the rest were much older and have disappeared.
In this town there was not an Inquisition Tribunal. There was a family tribunal, and all the accused were first of all sent to the Monastery of Uclés and later to Cuenca, where there is a folder with all the lawsuits against people from Socuéllamos. In 1519 the town rose against a battalion of Swiss soldiers, who had the reputation of being vandals and steal things everywhere they went. They killed twelve men and hurt many others. There are no news about the Independence war and the Carlist wars.
Illustrious sons of this town have been, besides D. Ignacio and Francisco de Mendoza (previously mentioned):
Ø Fernando de Mena, Phillip II’s doctor;
Ø father Pedro de la Plaza Nieva, prior of the Uclés Monastery (1624-1627) and chaplain of the king until 1636, when he died;
Ø father Juan de la Magdalena, priest and historian (1694);
Ø father Francisco Jiménez, Commissioner of the Holy Office;
Ø Mr José de Homa y Haro, minister of the Royal Council of the Tax Office (1774);
Ø Mr Saturnino Medina Caballero, doctor, distinguished due to the help he gave during the cholera epidemic in 1885.
The Wine Tower.-
On the 15th of December, 2014 a new landmark was opened to the public in Socuéllamos: the Wine Tower.It’s intended as a wine museum, where people will be able to learn about the techniques used to make wine, all the varieties of grapes,the commercial aspect,…through touchscreens, panels, videos and other modern projection means.
The museum is divided into two floors: on the ground floor is the first part of the permanent exhibition, that has two very different zones; the first one is dedicated to Socuéllamos and its history, in which the very knight commander Don Antonio de Mendoz     a narrates the historical events in the town while on the floor we can see a projection of images which helps us understand his explanation.
On the walls there are informative panels that reinforce the story narrated, and in a showcase we can see documents and archeological items.
The second zone is totally dedicated to wine. Circular counters illustrate with texts and videos the whole process of creating a wine, including the commercial aspect (regional, national and international target markets).
The rest of floors are dedicated to different aspects of wine, with games and different activities to help you understand every aspect of it.
The balcony (36 metres high) can be accessed by elevator or on foot (this second option allows you to hear different popular sayings (recorded by people in Socuéllamos). Up there you can look at 2 panels and 2 ipads with information on the different locations and buildings that can be seen.
To sum up, the Wine Tower is a great place to learn about all possible details of wine and its process of creation and selling.

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